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/ Collection of OS/2 Programs / Collection of OS-2 Programs.iso / utility / sosutl11.zip

File Comment
Dir tree drawer w/src (BC) + several REXX utils

Text (12)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
chname.cmd OS/2 REXX Batch file 184 6KB 1993-08-21
chname.man Text File 61 2KB 1993-08-21
extract.cmd OS/2 REXX Batch file 272 9KB 1993-08-20
extract.man Text File 98 3KB 1993-08-14
filefind.cmd OS/2 REXX Batch file 162 5KB 1993-08-21
filefind.man Text File 64 2KB 1993-08-18
License Text File 258 13KB 1993-08-04
ps.cmd OS/2 REXX Batch file 34 1KB 1993-08-20
ps.man Text File 60 2KB 1993-08-20
ReadMe.1st Text File 71 3KB 1993-08-21
sostree.c C/C++ Source or Header 410 13KB 1993-08-04
sostree.man Text File 58 2KB 1993-08-12

Other Files (1)
sostree.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 23KB 1993-07-04